Sunday, 9 December 2012


This entry is more grupal than personal, because we are doing a task of block 3. Well, let me do a presentation who we are: Adriana Sàez ,Clara Diez and me, and we are doing a hard project with books and poems. Why hard? because we don't want only a work to give to Neus or Theresa and then the end, no more, because we want more, we want a work which then we can do something in our future, more than a work is a resource for us.

                ENJOY IT!!
Some poems:


My School Promise

Each day I’ll do my best

And I won’t do any less.

My work will always please me,

And I won’t accept a mess.

I’ll color very carefully,

My writing will be neat.

And I will not be happy,

Till my papers are complete.

I’'ll always do my homework,

And try my best on every test.

I won’t forget my promise,

To do my very best!


Welcome to Kindergarten!
(Sing to the tune of Deck the Halls")

Welcome to our kindergarten.
We will learn a lot of things today.
Here we are in kindergarten.
We will have a lot of time to play.
We will learn the alphabet and
We will learn how to write numbers, too.
We'll have fun in kindergarten,
‘Cause there are so many things to do!

999 Tadpoles fit perfectly into a small pond, but when they grow into frogs, it´s a different story.

A fantastically original book featuring a boy, his toy and a very, very long piece of string! 


  1. Hello Laia! Thank you for your blog entries! I have very much enjoyed reading this blog entry with the poem and song and two chidren´s storybooks. Did you write the poem and song yourself? They are wonderful! I think it´s a great idea that you want to create a CLIL project that will be useful to you as resource in the future. Keep up the effort and good work! Best, Theresa

  2. Thanks for me?? No... are for you because you make this subject easy!!!

    The poem and song are from Internet I don't know who did, but my group of your class Adriana and Clara, one day when we were doing a Neus' project we find this poem and this song, well we find a looot but I like the most these two! :)

    I want to keep up the effort!! Thank you Theresa!!! you are the best!!! :)

  3. Hola Laia!

    ¿Qué tal todo? Espero que estés disfrutando de las fiestas. Lo primero perdón por tardar tanto en contestar, pero no me da la vida... Jejeje! El otro día, en el post del sorteo del bolso me pusiste un comentario que no te dejaba ser amiga de SASHA COOL, en Facebook. Te he buscado pero no sé cual es tu nombre en Facebook, o igual no estás registrada en Facebook y es por eso... ¿Puede ser?

    ¡Ya me comentarás! Muchas gracias por todos tus comentarios, que los leo siempre aunque no te conteste!!!



  4. Hola Laia!

    Me alegro que siguieras mis "consejillos" para las rebajas! Yo de momento los estoy cumpliendo, pero acaban de empezar... ¡Seguro que me paso de presupuesto! Jejeje! Ya os enseñaré un día de estos en un post las compras, no te preocupes.

    ¡Que tengas buena semana Laia!



  5. Laia, I absolutely love your two poems!!! Did you make them up yourselves? They are wonderful! If you share them with your students, I am sure they will love them as much as I have Thank you! Best, Theresa
