Saturday, 26 January 2013

#Second week

It’s finally here the substitute, he is Ignasi. We are going to work together during all my practicum, because now is my second week and for Ignasi in this school is his first week.

I have to say, for all the Years was strange know that now Ignasi is the teacher and I’ll leave the school in 3 weeks.

*Year 4:

I corrected the 4-draws that they made the other session and now I returned. Some of they have, very good, good or repeat again. I said to the pupils that if they have the word repeat they have to do again and give to me or to Ignasi. Now they have teacher. 

As the new teacher doesn’t know the names of the students, they made her/his name in a paper and then fold the paper and they can put in front of, as a placard. They colored it, using capital letter.

Then they did book, to correct, some student has to write the sentence on the board and then all together correct it, he/she read and Ignasi correct the phonetics.

Was David birthday, and I search in YouTube the song “Happy Birthday to you”, and we sang together.


Ignasi, decided that I’m going to teach this lesson, so I asked if he had any idea about what I had to teach, and he said me improvised. I accepted and I tried the topic “the body” and I caught the book and we did some exercises, but I don’t like really much use the book all the time and for that, we sang “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, we practiced “is or isn’t”, they learned new vocabulary and we made games to learn the body parts. We made a train, and for example, if I said ears, the person who you have in front of you, you have to touch her/his ears, and this with all the parts that we have learned.

*Year 5:

I corrected the 4-draws that they made the other session and now I returned. Some of they have, very good, good or repeat again. I said to the pupils that if they have the word repeat they have to do again and give to me or to Ignasi. Now they have teacher. 

As the new teacher doesn’t know the names of the students, they made her/his name in a paper and then fold the paper and they can put in front of, as a placard. They colored it, using capital letter.

Then we played: Hangman. Easy word, we used colors.


We went to the Theatre, we saw Frankenstein in English.
The characters all the time ask for volunteers and involve the students in the story. The only problem that our students had, been as the original teacher is not here should have made a practice of songs prior to going to the theater. But now we know which activities they are going to do.

*Year 6:

I corrected the essays “Myself” that they made the other session and now I returned. Some of they have, very good, good or repeat again. I said to the pupils that if they have the word repeat they have to do again and give to me or to Ignasi. Now they have teacher. 

As the new teacher doesn’t know the names of the students, they made her/his name in a paper and then fold the paper and they can put in front of, as a placard. They colored it, using capital letter.

Then we have organized the projects that should have made last week, but I didn’t have idea about project and when I had on Friday I decided to wait the substitute. They are going to present their projects on Monday and Thursday, for that next Monday I’m going to go to the school. Each project has more or less 4 or 5 students, and they have to speak during 20 minutes. Let’s see next week the presentations.

“Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.”
-Albert Einstein

#Second week

#The Child- Centered Primary English Classroom: Differentiated Instruction (Best Practices)

This is a really interesting topic, and for that I made a Glogster:

This Glogster has a video, if you want to see: Reach to teach 

It's supposed to be:
- focusing on the needs of the students.
- meaningful learning
- students need: abilities, interest and learning styles.

If you want you can read another entry that I did 1 month ago:Meeting individual needs 

Also you can read: #Special needs

Saturday, 19 January 2013

#First week

If you want to read my diary of my first week please go to:

#My first week

Thank you!

#The Use of Technology and PLE´s for Professional Development

About technologies in this school:

Each class has digital board, but they only use like a projector, teacher doesn’t touch the screen and pupils neither. They use the ordinary board, but not the old board with chalks, these boards are in the playground, because when they did a “Comenius” with Belgium they saw this idea and then they copy. It’s a good idea, I want to do a picture to show you. So, they have whiteboards with pens like the university.

When they use the projector, it’s to show the learning plan. But this learning plan is for all the subjects but not for English, every session the teacher show the learning plan and then they know what and how to do, I don’t know the methodology of this, because I’m doing English and in this subject they don’t use learning plan.

At the English classroom, we have a digital screen and also whiteboard with pens, then a computer and a CD and DVD player. Normally, the teacher uses the whiteboard and the CD player, sometimes the pupils ask for some song and we use Youtube with the digital board, but as a projector.

Teachers don’t use the digital board, because they don’t know how to use, this is a problem, because they have new digital boards for nothing. The other day, a teacher explained me that supposedly some has to come and explain the main functions, but well, they are waiting. Other interesting thing is that I and my practicum colleagues don’t know how to use these boards, and as late as this, we finish this year, it’s incredible. Besides, some students of second year of the same university that are doing teaching practice too, but Practicum I, they neither have idea of how to use it. 

Please, I hope that the university of Barcelona change the methodology and teaching plan of TIC  and in the future the students know how to use.

18th January 2013

Thursday, 17 January 2013

#My Letter of Intentions

Task 1   
My Letter of Intentions:

For me do my teaching practice in English is an important step in my degree as a teacher, because I can enter in the world that I consider my vocation. This practicum is an important point and has a lot of importance in my future. I want to learn a lot of things and more.

My primary goals that I intend to get in this Practicum III are the follow:

  • See and know the reality of the class.
  • Know the social reality of the school.
  • Know the functions of all the school members, in relation with the English.
  •  See the relation between families and school.
  •  Know the best methodology that works in the school.
  •  Learn new methodologies.
  •  How can I use technologies in English lessons?
  •   How can help the "special educators" if they don't speak English?

Now I'm going to explain my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths is that I am an Infantile educator, and I have been working in an international kindergarten during 3 years and now I'm working in two schools as an English teacher, in the mornings in a state school and in the afternoons in a private school. Also, I did my Practicum II in Birmingham, United Kingdom. For all, I think that I have experience teaching, but l need to do my teaching practice as an English teacher of primary. On the other hand, my weaknesses would be that I want to work already and I want to have my own group and pupils.

My global goal will be enrich of all this experience. I hope the best of this Practicum, because now I'm doing my speciality.

About the tutorial sessions, I think that we are going to learn all together, from each other. Could be like a seminars. We have to talk and share about our experiences, doubts, etc...

To achieve my objectives, and of the Practicum too, I promise to give the maximum of me, that is to say, be at 100% every day, do all I can, for to be a good teacher doing practice and I think that doing all of this I will achieve my objectives.

14th January 2013

#Now Teaching Practice

Now we have to change the chip, you know that this blog is in English, and was because in the subject ELT, the teacher ask to do it, so now another Teacher, in this case, Salvador, says that we have to do a blog about our Teaching practice and we can recycle our blog.

So, now this is my Blog for


The end of this subject....but we´ll have more English!! 

Thank you Adriana&Clara :)
Once we have finished our CLIL unit, we have to be honest. It was a very positive experience working in group but was a bit complicated to work together because our timetables were not the same and it was very difficult to meet. We all work and have other group projects to do but using different applications like Google calendar, docs and Dropbox we could manage to meet and work online in the moments we were available.

 At the beginning of the project, we chose the topic of the senses but during the Christmas break we had another idea. The reason why we changed was because doing activities we did not know what the pupils were learning about this topic. That is, there was not a meaningful learning but rather children reproduced knowledge they already knew.  Also, another reason why we changed was because we realised that almost all CLIL’s were destined for Science subject. We have wanted to break with this “tradition” and allocate to Art our unit. We think that Art allows children to get carried away by their emotions and exploit their abilities freely.

We have put in practise some methodologies we had learnt in other subjects from the degree and we found they were useful subjects now that we can connect all of them and use them in a successful way. The main one was the tasks approach.

Now in a few days we are going to our Teaching Practise as specialist!! We will see...

Thank you Theresa and Neus!!! (Great University Teachers)