Saturday, 19 January 2013

#The Use of Technology and PLE´s for Professional Development

About technologies in this school:

Each class has digital board, but they only use like a projector, teacher doesn’t touch the screen and pupils neither. They use the ordinary board, but not the old board with chalks, these boards are in the playground, because when they did a “Comenius” with Belgium they saw this idea and then they copy. It’s a good idea, I want to do a picture to show you. So, they have whiteboards with pens like the university.

When they use the projector, it’s to show the learning plan. But this learning plan is for all the subjects but not for English, every session the teacher show the learning plan and then they know what and how to do, I don’t know the methodology of this, because I’m doing English and in this subject they don’t use learning plan.

At the English classroom, we have a digital screen and also whiteboard with pens, then a computer and a CD and DVD player. Normally, the teacher uses the whiteboard and the CD player, sometimes the pupils ask for some song and we use Youtube with the digital board, but as a projector.

Teachers don’t use the digital board, because they don’t know how to use, this is a problem, because they have new digital boards for nothing. The other day, a teacher explained me that supposedly some has to come and explain the main functions, but well, they are waiting. Other interesting thing is that I and my practicum colleagues don’t know how to use these boards, and as late as this, we finish this year, it’s incredible. Besides, some students of second year of the same university that are doing teaching practice too, but Practicum I, they neither have idea of how to use it. 

Please, I hope that the university of Barcelona change the methodology and teaching plan of TIC  and in the future the students know how to use.

18th January 2013

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