Sunday, 24 February 2013

THE END (of this step)

Being a teacher is not something simple. The degree goes beyond classes at the University, not just pass a number of credits and pass the course with a good mark. Being a teacher is a vocation, and being motivated and feel that passion that drives to all children have in front of  you are learning of the thing you are transmitting. 

The Practicum III is a time when we can experience up close what was within a class, although not being the tutor, in short, we can see if what we have chosen the profession to which we want to spend. It's also when all of the future teachers have the opportunity to put into practice what we have learned, to use different strategies that we have gained and the range of resources that we have and see if, with all this we are able to work with students contents and most importantly, able to ensure that internalize and learn.

These five weeks have been incredible. I have only nice words for School Folch i Torres, because the very first day all the members of this school behaved like a big family.

I learnt a lot of things, what to do and what not do, but I want work in your school Folch i Torres, and as the head teacher says if I could do a selection you will be in my list. Thank you, Jose Luis.

I just finished my last practice and it’s time to reflect on everything that happened during those five intense weeks. But before practices I wrote a letter of intentions aimed to achieve the objectives and now I make myself a self-evaluation to know if I have achieved.

  • See and understand the reality of the classroom: Reach. I was able to participate in all courses Year 3 to Year 6 and saw how they were each and all of the students were. I mean, we've allowed 5 weeks.
  • Having dealt with the specialist: Reach. I wanted to know how they think, how they felt with the educational system and how did he keep his motivation every day. Luckily I know everything I wanted.
  • Know the functions of all school members: Reach. It takes a very strict control through a weekly curricular what to do every master, who would play yard, who is in charge of organizing the next event. In the staff room there is a panel where you can read what each teacher.
  • See the connection between families with school: Reach. As I mentioned several times in my dairy, this school has a great bond with families and the school.
  • Knowing the social center: Reach. It's not my neighborhood but I know they are middle class, but that has nothing to do with the behavior of students. For this reason I ask a question. Why do they always say that schools in outlying have some very troubled students? I think education should be taught at home and share it with the school. So, ¿Depending your neighborhood you are equally to be educated and / or respectful?.
  • Know which method works best in the middle: Reach. This school works for thematic blocks. That is, continued work a theme and then later try if it doesn’t repeat it more depth. And it really works well in the center.
  • Learn new methodologies: Not reached in English lessons but in others subjects yes. I saw the methodology of show the lesson plan of the day to the pupils, they like to know whole routine of the day.
  • Teachers know what they think of the IT: Reach. They are glad and they were surprised that we didn’t know to use digital board.
  • How can I use technologies in English lessons? : No reach. He hasn’t idea how to use a digital board.
  • How can help the "special educators" if they don't speak English? : Reach.. Specialists are required. The problem is the number of specialists that we might even see the center. In my case there was only one, and came a few hours a week and she doesn’t speak English, and she can’t help.

Almost everyone I've reached my goals. The most important thing to me was to enrich the whole experience and so I think that is more than achieved.

In this document I wrote my strengths and weaknesses. I will check if I have used them or something instead I hurt my weak point. Having been working between classes helped me a lot, because it could be much more relaxed, was not new to me. Although I saw that students were older didn’t have much insight into the expression of spoken, written and emotional that my students who are 4 and 5 years old, but it was not a problem.

During these five weeks I have seen and decide the kind of teacher I want to be and I do not want to be.
I want to be (I’m) a vocational teacher, leading the work to be well prepared and dynamic. I want my students to be motivated with names and surnames not a list numbers. I would like to create links with them and their families. Being a tutor or specialist receptive and understanding. Trying to keep abreast of innovations. Able to speak clearly and explain my projects to management, advice and / or faculty.

But nothing would be a boring teacher, selfish, apathetic, discouraged, always working with the book and CD, disrespect, arriving late, etc..

Important things that I have to write:
  • Last week, On Wednesday we went an extraordinary meeting, because Jose Luis went to the town hall because welfare cuts are acting now in this school. Result:  Next year will be only one line. When he said this was amazing all the teachers screaming. And shyly I asked: and the students, where will they go?? 125 pupils...bye bye?? This situation is incredible! 6 teachers bye bye too?? I don’t understand where is going our country.
  • I have to say something about when a teacher has a maternity leave or a sick leave, last one referring to an operation, please if you know that you are going to take a leave, please write a letter for the substitute, because only you know pupils and the new teacher hasn't idea about how to do because he hasn't idea what was the last topic. We are teachers, and in my case is my vocation and we have to help each other, share information.

 “The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Sunday, 17 February 2013

#Fifth and Last week of class

So...this is the last week and the end of another step in my life....

As my tutor of my University said to me, I recorded one session, but not one of my lesson plan, because I did it last week. I did an Ignasi session, as the school has two groups, A and B, first Ignasi did A and then me B. You can watch this session here TP Folch i Torres.

Friday, teachers gave me a present:

It's a Carnival photo :) So cute!!!

We were 3 UB students, physical education,special education and me, we decided to bring a present ,during the first break,to all the teacher and we bought pastries and we write a letter:

Friday was a special day and Ignasi and I, we made a choreography with a song to learn the habits before going to sleep, you can see the video here: Good night
It's really funny!


*Let's go to the park Intervention

You need to see Let's go to the park Unit.

1. Let's go to the park! (Year3): I decided to do vocabulary (objects and actions) through a song. Was really fun and dynamic, because they enjoyed the song, pictures, dance and colours. Was fantastic.

This example is from B. an autism boy of Year3, he never wants to participate but this time was different, he helps me a lot,handing the glues and worksheets, and he did alone all the activity without help. Instead his colleagues required help, and as he was the first to finish I ask if he would help me to explain to his friends the exercise. Was incredible!

“Man’s mind, once stretched by a good idea, never regains its original dimension.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes

*Jobs&professions Interventions

You have to see: Jobs&professions unit

1. Where can I buy...? (Year6):With these exercises I want students practice speaking complete sentences, practice the preposition AT, understand that when is a question they have to change the subject and when is an answer too. I decided to use a sheet because they have a notebook and for do the assessment they have to give the notebook to the teacher.I hoped they didn't know most of the places, but they did really good.

2. Match (Year6):I emphasize these basic issues because sometimes they are wrong using she or he and they forget that the 3rd person needs –S. I want notebook close because they always do exercises like match and copy, without thinking or remember.

3.People work (1)Year4:I select this song because has rhythms and encourage students to sing and dance, I want my pupils enjoy learning English. For me speaking is very important and for that I want that they share her/his information, because with that they try to speak in English.Pupils said me that the song was very quick, but they enjoyed a lot.

When we correct the gaps
An example (Very good Carla!)

4.People work (2):Finally, I decided to do a memory game, because I saw that they only use book or sheets, and I think it’s a good way to speak easy English and start to love English.

Watch this video if you want see how was: Memory game Year4

 “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
Theodore Roosevelt

#Opportunities for CLIL Instruction

Meaning of CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning

'CLIL refers to situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the learning of content, and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language'. (Marsh, 1994)

This approach involves learning subjects such as history, geography or others, through an additional language. It can be very successful in enhancing the learning of languages and other subjects, and developing in the youngsters a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards themselves as language learners. (Marsh, 2000)

 English lessons in Folch i Torres

School decided to use a Science&Art English Book, you can see the photo. For that they do Science and Art in English as you read in other posts. #Third week
But they do again science and art in Catalan for that I don't really know if I can say that they are doing CLIL or learning specific Science and art vocabulary.

 I knew something about CLIL because I learnt in some subjects, last year "Didactica de la llengua anglesa" and in "la menció" . After read "The integrated nature of CLIL: A sociocultural perspective" and "Developing CLIL: towards a theory of practice" I know more requirements to develop a successful CLIL unit

I wanted to compare the document instructions with the sessions that I saw but I can't because is not a real CLIL, is only a book with contents of Science and art that the teacher comments with the pupils but not goes more far. Unfortunately he is a substitute and he doesn't know anything about the methodology that the real teacher did.

I have to say, contents are important but it's more important if the teacher tries to encourage their pupils to speak English, because sometimes they do more writing and reading and not speaking. I have to say: Don't worry if you do mistake, we are here to learn!!

Interesting blog about CLIL, Blog CLIL.
European Commission web where you can find Benefits of CLIL, EU initiatives to support learning through languages (CLIL) and more.

#The Plurilingual Primary English Classroom: Embracing Linguistic and Cultural Capital through the Home-School Connection and Cultural Responsiveness

Folch i Torres, has one thing that I never seen before, has a website, that they called Netvives , where all the teacher has their own space, for example English has a blog, is a little left, but they have something. (Blogs)
When we record the projects of year 5 and 6 is for that, because we are going to upload all the projects.

Why Netvives is important of Embracing Linguistic and Cultural Capital  through the  Home-School Connection and Cultural Responsiveness??

Because Teachers can share all the new knowledge that they pupils are learning and families can read and speak at home. 

And  what can families do?

Easy, here AMPA has their own space and can share information too.

Aside from this website, this school has a rule, if any children has a problem the same day call to the family, before speak with the pupils, because they don't want to wait because the problem maybe is little but maybe if they wait the problem increase and increase and they don't know where can the problem go. When they explain me, they said: Et diem això des l'experiencia. This sentence goes immediately to my heart, because some schools knows any problem, and they don't do anything, maybe speak with the children but not with the families. 

Another interesting aspect, they use the agenda for connect home and school, if families want to write they can.

About cultural aspects, Folch i Torres has few immigrants, but has a wonderful women that does "Aula d'acollida" "Welcome class or reception class", and she teach Catalan and helps with others subjects (math, science...). She explains me that she has a lot of relation with the families and fortunality they are cooperative families.


#Dialogic Teaching and Classroom Management

This school is incredible. 

Because has their own English class!!

Look! Invites you to speak in English! All the school has imputes in English

The class has posters English!! all is in English, you can't read anything in Spanish or Catalan.

They have:

Class rules, how to ask questions, days of the week, months, seasons, the time, library, map of England, food...a lot of interesting things.

In this class you can find 6 computers, it's really big, you can teach to whole group without spaces problems.