Meaning of CLIL: Content and
Language Integrated Learning
'CLIL refers to situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the learning of content, and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language'. (Marsh, 1994)
This approach involves learning subjects such as history, geography or others, through an additional language. It can be very successful in enhancing the learning of languages and other subjects, and developing in the youngsters a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards themselves as language learners. (Marsh, 2000)
'CLIL refers to situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the learning of content, and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language'. (Marsh, 1994)
This approach involves learning subjects such as history, geography or others, through an additional language. It can be very successful in enhancing the learning of languages and other subjects, and developing in the youngsters a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards themselves as language learners. (Marsh, 2000)
English lessons in Folch i Torres
decided to use a Science&Art English Book, you can see the photo.
For that they do Science and Art in English as you read in other posts. #Third week
But they do again science and art in Catalan for that I don't really know if I can say that they are doing CLIL or learning specific Science and art vocabulary.
I knew something about CLIL because I learnt in some subjects, last year "Didactica de la llengua anglesa" and in "la menció" . After read "The integrated nature of CLIL: A sociocultural perspective" and "Developing CLIL: towards a theory of practice" I know more requirements to develop a successful CLIL unit.
I wanted to compare the document instructions with the sessions that I saw but I can't because is not a real CLIL, is only a book with contents of Science and art that the teacher comments with the pupils but not goes more far. Unfortunately he is a substitute and he doesn't know anything about the methodology that the real teacher did.
I have to say, contents are important but it's more important if the teacher tries to encourage their pupils to speak English, because sometimes they do more writing and reading and not speaking. I have to say: Don't worry if you do mistake, we are here to learn!!
Interesting blog about CLIL, Blog CLIL.
European Commission web where you can find Benefits of CLIL, EU initiatives to support learning through languages (CLIL) and more.
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