This week is Carnival,
and everyday we have to wear different complements. We are going to know what we
have to wear tomorrow every afternoon. It's incredible, the messengers, with amazing
dress ups, come to each class and say the proclamation, for example today they
"El rei Carnestoltes ens ha dit...
Un hort al cap us haureu de col.locar...
Diademes guarnides
de pomes i figues.
Hortalisses i verdures
fresques i madures.
Barrets i antenes amb fruites
del temps i acolorides."
Un hort al cap us haureu de col.locar...
Diademes guarnides
de pomes i figues.
Hortalisses i verdures
fresques i madures.
Barrets i antenes amb fruites
del temps i acolorides."
Look my picture!

I asked to Ignasi about the assessments of the
projects, because I saw that he wrote some comments but I don't know what. And
he showed me this list of objectives, I have to say that he doesn't like very
much, but the school gave to Ignasi, and he has to use it.
Theatre activity: Last
week we went to the Theatre with Year 5 and we saw the show Frankenstein, and now the
students have to do some exercises of comprehension about this show. How I saw
that the activities that they have to do are really boring, fill gaps in a
large text and pass to 3rd person, and they think that is like a punishment and
I thought, if I do a game with the photos that I took at the theatre, these
students can learn English while they are playing. For that I made a Power
point, you could find here:
Using this power point I want to be able that my
students, read and understand, speak and listening and do cooperative work. They did really good, was funny and they ask
me if I could bring more games like this.
Friday was Carnival,
and Teachers had to be Gardeners.
Every teacher made her/his disguise, I made it,
with staples and I decorate it, I wrote "English Gardener" and some
names of flowers in English.
This school lives Carnival in a special way; every
class made themselves their own costumes. You can see the pictures.
made a flash move, teachers inclusive, was incredible. Then, all the teachers went all together to lunch. :)
is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
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